9V Charger Adapter Cable #19V Charger Adapter Cable #29V Charger Adapter Cable #3

9V Charger Adapter Cable

Price: 6.31 CAD
4.42 USD 4.24 EUR
In Stock: 165

• If you are using a Rechargeable 9V Battery in your Viper Combat Robot or in your Playable Battle Robot Kit, this 9V Charger Adapter Cable will let you recharge without having to remove the battery from the robot!

• Simply plug the connector from your 9V Charge Switch (Viper version)/(Playable Battle Robot version) into this Adapter Cable and it's charging!

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- If you are using a Rechargeable 9V Battery in your Viper Combat Robot or in your Playable Battle Robot Kit, this 9V Charger Adapter Cable will let you recharge without having to remove the battery from the robot!

- Simply plug the connector from your 9V Charge Switch (Viper version)/(Playable Battle Robot version) into this Adapter Cable and it's charging!

- You must be using a rechargeable 9V Li-ion Battery *Do not attempt to recharge an alkaline battery.
* Other rechargeable 9V batteries may work as well, but make sure they recharge through the top two main power sockets and not via a USB side port.

- You will need to use a 9V Battery Charger that charges through the battery's top power sockets


Recharging your robot:

Plug the Charge Adapter Cable into your 9V charger.  You can keep this always plugged here.
Warning: Because this cable is designed to plug into a 9V Charger and not into a 9V Battery, it has swapped polarity. Do not plug this Charge Adapter Cable into a battery because the output +/- will be reversed.

To charge the robot:
1. Turn off the robot by inserting the On/Off/Charge Plug.
2. Connect the On/Off/Charge Plug to the 9V charger via the Charge Adapter Cable.

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Playable Battle Robot Kit

• Passionate about combat robotics but not quite ready to compete in an arena?  These playable battle robot kits are perfect for the young or young-at-heart to practice at home and have friendly battles!

• Recommended ages 5 and up.  (We've had drivers as young as 3!)  Assembly time 20-45 minutes with adult help.

JST Charge Switch

• Tired of removing your robot's armor after every match just so you can charge the batteries?
• This lightweight jack makes charging batteries as easy as plugging in a connector.
• Robots that draw less than 6A continuous can even use this as the main power switch!

9V Charge Switch for Playable Battle Robot Kit

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• Does your NiCad battery not last as long as you'd like? We have found that 9V Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries work great in these kits!
• This PBRK 9V Charge Switch replaces the robot's NiCad battery with a 9V clip, AND makes turning the robot on and off as easy as plugging in a connector!

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